CLEARFIELD – The Clearfield Area School District is seeking sealed bids for its property located on River Road, Clearfield.
On Monday night, the school board voted unanimously for the administration to promptly advertise the property, starting at $250,000.
Superintendent Terry Struble said the district would like the bids no later than Feb. 16, so that the board can consider approval at its February meeting.
The property was formerly the location of the district’s administrative offices and maintenance facility. Both are now located on the Clearfield Area Junior-Senior High School campus.
In other business, the board approved the financial audit that was presented by Katherine Eckley of Walter Hopkins & Co., of Clearfield for the year ending June 30, 2017.
According to her, the firm issued an “unmodified opinion,” meaning the district’s financials were free of any misstatements and done fairly.
Most important, she said was the district’s fund balance, which came in at approximately $16 million. The funds, she said, are assigned to categories with some being under restrictions.
She went on to explain that there are funds put aside for future debt, capital projects, future Public School Employees’ Retirement System increases and potential tax appeals while the remainder is left unassigned.
“The district has a healthy fund balance,” Eckley said. She added that the district’s general fund balance had a $1.3 million increase; it decreased $950,000 for capital projects, resulting in a net increase of $382,000.
After the audit report, Business Administrator Sam Maney attributed the district’s surplus to largely being due to a win-fall with the PLANCON funds.
“Without that, we would’ve had a deficit,” Maney said. “It’s something to keep in mind going forward.”