CLEARFIELD – Clearfield Borough is preparing its application for its Community Development Block Grant for 2017.
On Thursday, it held its second public hearing in regards to the amount of funds and intended use.
Borough Operations Manager Leslie Stott conducted the hearing on behalf of Community Development Specialist Lisa Kovalick.
For 2017, Clearfield Borough will receive $81,988 in funding, and it will be put toward the costs associated with the relocation of utilities and paving for the Stinky Run flood control project in East End.
The remainder of the allocation – $17,900 – will be used for administrative purposes.
According to previous GANT News reports, the Department of General Services is the funding agency and contract administrator for the project, the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) is the program agency and will issue the DEP permit, Stiffler, McGraw and Associates Inc., will serve as the design professionals and the borough is the project sponsor.
The Stinky Run project will cost approximately $3.3 million with the borough responsible mainly for the costs of easements, relocation of utilities, paving and the license fee for the railroad crossing.
The contract for the project is anticipated to go out to bid Jan. 1, 2020 with construction to happen from April 2020 through April 2021.