On April 8, Stacey Maines, WOTM No. 948 senior regent-elect, Barb Crispell, WOTM No. 948 senior regent, the Clearfield Moose Lodge No. 97, the Clearfield Women of the Moose No. 948, the Clearfield No. 97 Moose Riders, many volunteers and community donors held a benefit for local child, Violet Ann.
Violet is the daughter of Heidi and Don Lucas of Osceola Mills, and she was born with a rare chromosomal disorder called CHARGE and EA/TEF. It required a major surgery when she was just 36 hours old.
According to Maines, she’s had many, other surgeries and is frequently in the hospital. She’s spent 44 days in the Janet Weis Children’s Hospital.
She also has a feeding tube for swallowing, a tracheostomy for severe airway defects and aids and glasses for severe, progressive hearing and vision loss, which are all problems associated with CHARGE, Maines said.
When finally blessed with a warm, sunny day and Violet feeling well enough on April 23, the organizations were able to present a check to Violet and her family for $7,250 to help with her past and future medical expenses.
Shown are Don Lucas, Heidi Lucas, Lisa Guenot, Eileen Lowder, Ray Maines (trustee), Sam Gallaher (administrator), Violet Lucas, Maines, Tina Dixon and Damon Simcisko (treasurer).