CLEARFIELD – Volunteers from the Clearfield Area United Way are shown preparing another division for the upcoming annual campaign.
Chair Mark Schultz is shown with James Glade of Penn Highlands Clearfield. Cards will soon be distributed as part of the campaign.
Volunteers spread the word about the 24 local member Health & Human Service agencies, which are helped year-round by United Way. The CAUW will hold its kick-off Oct. 14 at the St. Charles Café Dining Room.
“Member agencies are there, and it’s a great way to get to know how people are being helped in the communities in eastern, southern and central Clearfield County that we serve,” said Schultz.
“Our nearly 70 campaign volunteers work tirelessly to make a difference through these agencies whether it’s through Allocations, the Reading Ripples, Jeans for Teens, Wish and Public Relations Grants, various items we collect and donate, etc. … people of all ages are being helped.”
If you would like to make a tax-deductible donation to help the United Way campaign and have not yet been contacted, please send to 18 N. Second St., P.O. Box 1430, Clearfield, PA 16830.