If Donald Trump found himself in a private meeting with the Pope next week, the Republican businessman would want to talk climate change.
“He seems to be getting extremely political,” Trump said of Pope Francis, who will visit the United States for a historic trip this week and has made addressing global warming one of his pet issues. “I would actually talk to him about it to see if he’s serious.”
Trump, who is skeptical of the idea that humans are causing climate change, told Fox News’ Greta van Susteren that he disagreed with the Pope and would look to gauge why he might be speaking out about it.
But Trump nevertheless said he enjoyed the Pope and his “fresh” personality, noting that the candidate would spend most of his time with the papal leader not discussing politics.
“I would talk to him about a lot of things — mostly religion,” Trump said.
The Republican front-runner also weighed in on the departure of Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, who has jousted with Trump, from the presidential race. Though the pair have exchanged harsh words, Trump said he wished Walker well — but wouldn’t try to win his endorsement.
“He’s a good governor,” Trump said of Walker, whose economic record as governor he has critiqued. “I feel badly for him.”
The Republican candidate also continued to attack the surging Carly Fiorina, who may be gaining as Walker fades. Trump said he finds her voice and intonation to be “very robotic” and that he gives her a “big, fat, beautiful headache.”