City of DuBois Manager John “Herm” Suplizio stated that he has heard the requests from DuBois citizens across the city concerning their roadways. The city will work towards doing what it can, but there are some major projects that are being worked on first with the limited manpower the city has.
The two priority projects for the moment are Webber Avenue and Daly Street.
“What people need to understand is we need to put drainage in Webber. It never had it. The same for Daly,” said Suplizio.
Suplizio explained road drainage is part of road maintenance. Not putting in the drainage systems into these, and other roads needing work, would lead to future problems years down the road.
Per citizen requests, the city will be cleaning up the alley of Spring Avenue. The request was to have the alley reopened and paved, but after some investigation the alley was never closed to begin with. The alley became grown over after years of lack of use. The alley fell into disuse after, according to residents making the requests, neighbors at both ends began blocking access to the alley by parking at the openings.
As the alley was never closed the council did not need to reopen the alley. For the time being the city will assist in cleaning the alley up to a drivable state and see how much use it gets before considering paving.
Progress is still being made on getting a left turning signal at the West Long Avenue and North Main Street Intersection. PennDOT will complete the traffic study and the addition of the turning light will cost the city $15 thousand.