DEP Assess Civil Penalty Against Former Franklin County SEO

HARRISBURG – The Department of Environmental Protection has fined a former sewage enforcement officer for Montgomery Township, Franklin County, $18,700 for violating the Sewage Facilities Act. Specifically, DEP says Jack Reed improperly tested and evaluated sites for on-lot disposal systems.

“Sewage enforcement officers are essential to DEP’s oversight and regulation of on-lot disposal systems and local sewage management,” said DEP Southcentral Regional Director Rachel Diamond. “They represent the sole regulatory point-of-contact for system design, installation, inspection and operation matters.

“In order to protect the public’s health and safety, they must maintain a high degree of professionalism and conduct. Unfortunately, Reed did not live up to these standards in many cases.”

Reed served as enforcement officer from March 2002 until October 2006. He voluntarily surrendered his certification on Sept. 30, 2006. Once a certification has been surrendered, all of the officer’s previous work is subject to review.

During those reviews, which took place between October 2006 and April 2007, representatives from DEP and the township’s alternate officer documented violations at 16 different properties. Those violations included improper slopes, insufficient soil depths, and the use of inappropriate testing techniques for determining the suitability of a site for an on-lot sewage system.

The department is working with municipal officials and property owners to address these violations.

The Pennsylvania Sewage Facilities Act 537 requires municipalities to enforce on-lot sewage system requirements, including the evaluation and permitting of new systems. These duties are carried out by sewage enforcement officers, who are trained by DEP and must pass a state-administered test in order to receive certification from a state board.

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