DEP Issues Permit for Electric Generating Facility in York County

HARRISBURG – The Department of Environmental Protection approved three permits that will allow Conectiv Mid-Merit LLC to construct a combined cycle electric generating facility in Peach Bottom Township, York County.

A combined cycle facility will use a fuel-efficient process that generates electricity in combustion turbines and uses the hot exhaust to create water vapor, which then generates additional electricity in a steam turbine.

“The permits issued by the department will protect the water quality of the Susquehanna River and the health and safety of downstream residents during the construction and operation of this proposed power plant,” DEP’s Southcentral Regional Director Rachel Diamond said.

The proposed facility will have a nominal, maximum generation capacity of 1,100 megawatts, which is enough to serve more than 800,000 residential customers. The primary fuel will be natural gas.

The three permits issued are:

· A National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System, or NPDES, permit for discharging cooling tower water into the Susquehanna River;

· A NPDES permit for construction and post-construction stormwater management;

· A installation permit for two, low-sulfur distillate fuel oil aboveground storage tanks (4 million gallons each) and 11 aboveground storage tanks for other regulated substances (37,000 gallons total capacity).

The department issued an air plan approval for the facility on Jan. 5. The company is appealing modifications to the plan made by the department based on comments received following a public hearing in December 2005.

The company has not announced when construction will begin.

In February, Gov. Edward G. Rendell announced his Energy Independence Strategy to invest $850 million to cut consumer energy costs by $10 billion over the next decade, stabilize electricity rates for businesses, significantly expand Pennsylvania’s alternative fuel and clean energy industries, and reduce dependence on foreign oil.

The governor’s proposal requires electricity generators to invest in conservation measures that help consumers reduce energy consumption. It also offers rebates to small businesses and homeowners that replace inefficient home cooling appliances or purchase new solar energy systems.

In addition, the Energy Independence Fund will be created to leverage $106 million in venture capital, loans and grants to attract private sector investment, and another $500 million to initiate new clean energy economic development projects in the commonwealth.

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